Social Media Policy
Social Media Policy

1. Purpose)
Oi Kaihatsu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") aims to build closer relationships with customers by communicating with them through social networks, accurately grasp their needs, and provide them with better service and accommodation.
Therefore, we have established the following basic stance to be observed regarding the operation of our official social media accounts and the use of social media by our employees, as the "OURS INN HANKYU Social Media Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy"), and will comply with it.

2. (Definition of Social Media)
In this policy, social media refers to media through which users can disseminate information via the Internet, including SNS, blogs, video sharing sites, etc.

3. (Applicable Subjects)
This policy applies to all employees and officers of our company, as well as all external staff working within our company.

4. (Basic stance)
We will comply with the following items when using social media.
1. When using social media, we will comply with relevant laws and regulations, codes of conduct, work regulations, social media guidelines, and other internal company rules.
2. We will understand that information posted through social media can be viewed by an unspecified number of users and that information once published cannot be completely deleted, and will act responsibly.
3. We will always listen humbly to customer feedback and strive to make sensible comments and posts.
4. When posting information, we will take care not to spread false information or mislead customers. If we later discover that the information we posted was incorrect, we will admit this and make a correction as soon as possible by publicizing it in an appropriate manner.
5. We will respect the copyrights, other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, and other rights of third parties, and will take care not to infringe on their reputations.

5. (To all social media users (hereinafter referred to as "users"))
All information provided by our associates does not necessarily represent our official announcements or views.
Our official announcements and opinions are posted on our website.
Please note that we are unable to respond to all comments sent to our official SNS accounts by users.
In addition, if a user posts content on our official SNS accounts that violates public order and morals, that defames our company or a third party, that promotes discrimination, or that contains personal information or privacy information, or content that divides opinions on ideology, beliefs, religion, etc., we may, at our discretion, restrict usage and request the SNS operating company to delete the comment.
Please note that we may also suspend or delete your account without prior notice due to unavoidable circumstances.
Social Media Policy

1. Purpose)
Oi Kaihatsu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") aims to build closer relationships with customers by communicating with them through social networks, accurately grasp their needs, and provide them with better service and accommodation.
Therefore, we have established the following basic stance to be observed regarding the operation of our official social media accounts and the use of social media by our employees, as the "OURS INN HANKYU Social Media Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy"), and will comply with it.

2. (Definition of Social Media)
In this policy, social media refers to media through which users can disseminate information via the Internet, including SNS, blogs, video sharing sites, etc.

3. (Applicable Subjects)
This policy applies to all employees and officers of our company, as well as all external staff working within our company.

4. (Basic stance)
We will comply with the following items when using social media.
1. When using social media, we will comply with relevant laws and regulations, codes of conduct, work regulations, social media guidelines, and other internal company rules.
2. We will understand that information posted through social media can be viewed by an unspecified number of users and that information once published cannot be completely deleted, and will act responsibly.
3. We will always listen humbly to customer feedback and strive to make sensible comments and posts.
4. When posting information, we will take care not to spread false information or mislead customers. If we later discover that the information we posted was incorrect, we will admit this and make a correction as soon as possible by publicizing it in an appropriate manner.
5. We will respect the copyrights, other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, and other rights of third parties, and will take care not to infringe on their reputations.

5. (To all social media users (hereinafter referred to as "users"))
All information provided by our associates does not necessarily represent our official announcements or views.
Our official announcements and opinions are posted on our website.
Please note that we are unable to respond to all comments sent to our official SNS accounts by users.
In addition, if a user posts content on our official SNS accounts that violates public order and morals, that defames our company or a third party, that promotes discrimination, or that contains personal information or privacy information, or content that divides opinions on ideology, beliefs, religion, etc., we may, at our discretion, restrict usage and request the SNS operating company to delete the comment.
Please note that we may also suspend or delete your account without prior notice due to unavoidable circumstances.