Accommodation Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions of Accommodation General Terms and Conditions of Accommodation
Article 1 Application of these General Terms and Conditions
Article 1 Application of these General Terms and Conditions

1. The accommodation contract and its related contracts concluded between the Hotel and a guest are subject to these General Terms and Conditions. Any matters not contained in these General Terms and Conditions are subject to applicable law or generally accepted practices.

2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may conclude a special contract with a guest as long as the special contract is not against the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, applicable law, or generally accepted practices.

1. The accommodation contract and its related contracts concluded between the Hotel and a guest are subject to these General Terms and Conditions. Any matters not contained in these General Terms and Conditions are subject to applicable law or generally accepted practices.

2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may conclude a special contract with a guest as long as the special contract is not against the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, applicable law, or generally accepted practices.

Article 2 Provision of Names and Other Information
Article 2 Provision of Names and Other Information

If the Hotel accepts a reservation, the Hotel may ask the person making the reservation to provide the following information within a specific period:

(1) the name, address, gender, age, nationality, and occupation of each guest; and

(2) other information that the Hotel may consider necessary.

If the Hotel accepts a reservation, the Hotel may ask the person making the reservation to provide the following information within a specific period:

(1) the name, address, gender, age, nationality, and occupation of each guest; and

(2) other information that the Hotel may consider necessary.

Article 3 Cancellation of Reservation by Persons Making a Reservation
Article 3 Cancellation of Reservation by Persons Making a Reservation

1. If a person making a reservation cancels the whole or part of their reservation, the Hotel will charge them a cancellation fee under the Cancellation Fee Policy attached to these General Terms and Conditions.

2. If a guest fails to arrive by 10 p.m. of the scheduled day of arrival (or within two hours of the scheduled time of arrival if the guest has informed the Hotel of the time in advance) without notice, the Hotel may deem that the guest has canceled the reservation.

3. In the case of a deemed cancellation under the preceding paragraph, if the guest proves that their failure to arrive without notice is caused by an event not attributable to them, such as nonarrival or delay of trains, aircraft, or other public transportation, the Hotel will not charge them the cancellation fee referred to in paragraph 1.

1. If a person making a reservation cancels the whole or part of their reservation, the Hotel will charge them a cancellation fee under the Cancellation Fee Policy attached to these General Terms and Conditions.

2. If a guest fails to arrive by 10 p.m. of the scheduled day of arrival (or within two hours of the scheduled time of arrival if the guest has informed the Hotel of the time in advance) without notice, the Hotel may deem that the guest has canceled the reservation.

3. In the case of a deemed cancellation under the preceding paragraph, if the guest proves that their failure to arrive without notice is caused by an event not attributable to them, such as nonarrival or delay of trains, aircraft, or other public transportation, the Hotel will not charge them the cancellation fee referred to in paragraph 1.

Article 4 Cancellation of Reservation by the Hotel
Article 4 Cancellation of Reservation by the Hotel

The Hotel may cancel a reservation:

(1) if the guest falls under any of items (3) to (8) of Article 8; or

(2) if the guest fails to provide information requested by the Hotel under Article 2 by the deadline.

The Hotel may cancel a reservation:

(1) if the guest falls under any of items (3) to (8) of Article 8; or

(2) if the guest fails to provide information requested by the Hotel under Article 2 by the deadline.

Article 5 Payment of Room Charge
Article 5 Payment of Room Charge

1. A guest is required to pay their room charges by cash (in Japanese yen) or by using a credit card or coupons designated by the Hotel when they check in. Checks, and deferred payment, such as lump-sum payment by the company of a guest, unless it is specially acceptable under a policy separately established, are not acceptable.

2. A room charge will not be refunded even if the guest does not stay overnight after check-in.

1. A guest is required to pay their room charges by cash (in Japanese yen) or by using a credit card or coupons designated by the Hotel when they check in. Checks, and deferred payment, such as lump-sum payment by the company of a guest, unless it is specially acceptable under a policy separately established, are not acceptable.

2. A room charge will not be refunded even if the guest does not stay overnight after check-in.

Article 6 Guest Registration
Article 6 Guest Registration

On the day of check-in, a guest is required to register the following information at the reception desk of the Hotel:

(1) the information listed in Article 2;

(2) their passport number, landing place in Japan, and date of landing in Japan if they are a foreign national (the Hotel will copy the passport pages for verification);

(3) the scheduled date and time of departure; and

(4) other information that the Hotel may consider necessary.

On the day of check-in, a guest is required to register the following information at the reception desk of the Hotel:

(1) the information listed in Article 2;

(2) their passport number, landing place in Japan, and date of landing in Japan if they are a foreign national (the Hotel will copy the passport pages for verification);

(3) the scheduled date and time of departure; and

(4) other information that the Hotel may consider necessary.

Article 7 Hours During Which Guests Can Stay in Their Rooms
Article 7 Hours During Which Guests Can Stay in Their Rooms

1. A guest can stay in their room from 3 p.m. to 10 a.m. of the following day. However, a guest who stays for two days or longer can stay in their room all day long, except for the day of arrival and the day of departure.

2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may accept a stay outside the hours specified above and, in this case, will charge the guest the following additional charge:

(1) Until 11 a.m.

500 yen for single rooms and 1,000 yen for twin rooms

* From April 1, 2023, the additional charges for single and twin rooms will be 1,000 yen and 2,000 yen, respectively.

(2) Until noon

1,000 yen for single rooms and 2,000 yen for twin rooms

* From April 1, 2023, the additional charges for single and twin rooms will be 2,000 yen and 3,000 yen, respectively.

(3) After noon

Room charge for one overnight stay

1. A guest can stay in their room from 3 p.m. to 10 a.m. of the following day. However, a guest who stays for two days or longer can stay in their room all day long, except for the day of arrival and the day of departure.

2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may accept a stay outside the hours specified above and, in this case, will charge the guest the following additional charge:

(1) Until 11 a.m.

500 yen for single rooms and 1,000 yen for twin rooms

* From April 1, 2023, the additional charges for single and twin rooms will be 1,000 yen and 2,000 yen, respectively.

(2) Until noon

1,000 yen for single rooms and 2,000 yen for twin rooms

* From April 1, 2023, the additional charges for single and twin rooms will be 2,000 yen and 3,000 yen, respectively.

(3) After noon

Room charge for one overnight stay

Article 8 Refusal to Accept Guests
Article 8 Refusal to Accept Guests

The Hotel may refuse to accept guests:

(1) if their reservations do not conform to these General Terms and Conditions;

(2) if there are no vacancies;

(3) if they are considered likely to commit an act against applicable law or public policy with respect to their stays;

(4) if they are considered likely to infect others;

(5) if they make a violent or unreasonable request to the Hotel with respect to their stays;

(6) if the Hotel is unable to accommodate them due to natural disasters, facility failures, or other compelling reasons;

(7) if they are considered likely to significantly annoy other guests (such as being heavily drunk, showing violent behavior, speaking loudly, making a noise, and giving off a foul odor);

(8) if they are considered likely to use their rooms in unhygienic conditions or damage the environment; or

(9) if they are considered to fall under any of the following persons:

(a) an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a person associated with an organized crime group, or a member of other antisocial forces;

(b) a corporation or other organization whose activities are controlled by an organized crime group or a member of an organized crime group; or

(c) a corporation whose officers include a member of an organized crime group.

The Hotel may refuse to accept guests:

(1) if their reservations do not conform to these General Terms and Conditions;

(2) if there are no vacancies;

(3) if they are considered likely to commit an act against applicable law or public policy with respect to their stays;

(4) if they are considered likely to infect others;

(5) if they make a violent or unreasonable request to the Hotel with respect to their stays;

(6) if the Hotel is unable to accommodate them due to natural disasters, facility failures, or other compelling reasons;

(7) if they are considered likely to significantly annoy other guests (such as being heavily drunk, showing violent behavior, speaking loudly, making a noise, and giving off a foul odor);

(8) if they are considered likely to use their rooms in unhygienic conditions or damage the environment; or

(9) if they are considered to fall under any of the following persons:

(a) an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a person associated with an organized crime group, or a member of other antisocial forces;

(b) a corporation or other organization whose activities are controlled by an organized crime group or a member of an organized crime group; or

(c) a corporation whose officers include a member of an organized crime group.

Article 9 Observance of House Rules
Article 9 Observance of House Rules

On the Hotel’s premises, every guest is required to observe its House Rules shown on the premises.

On the Hotel’s premises, every guest is required to observe its House Rules shown on the premises.

Article 10 Refusal of Continued Stay
Article 10 Refusal of Continued Stay

Even during the contract period of a stay, the Hotel may refuse the guest their continued stay:

(1) if the guest falls under any of items (3) to (8) of Article 8; or

(2) if the guest fails to observe the House Rules referred to in the preceding Article.

Even during the contract period of a stay, the Hotel may refuse the guest their continued stay:

(1) if the guest falls under any of items (3) to (8) of Article 8; or

(2) if the guest fails to observe the House Rules referred to in the preceding Article.

Article 11 Responsibility for Stays
Article 11 Responsibility for Stays

1. The Hotel is responsible for a guest’s stays from their registration at the reception desk until their vacation of their room for departure.

2. If the Hotel cannot provide a room to a guest for reasons on its part, the Hotel will arrange for another accommodation facility with the same or similar conditions unless it is difficult to do so due to natural disasters or other similar causes.

3. As an exception to the preceding paragraph, the Hotel is not responsible for its failure to provide a room to a guest due to reasons not attributable to the Hotel or force majeure events.

4. The Hotel is not responsible for any accidents that may result from a guest’s failure to observe the House Rules shown on its premises.

5. Guests are advised to carry around or leave at the reception desk their valuables and cash. Please note that the Hotel is not responsible for any loss or theft of their valuables and cash in their rooms.

(1) If any valuables or cash left by a guest at the reception desk is lost or damaged due to causes other than force majeure events, the Hotel will compensate them for the loss or damage as long as they have informed the reception desk of the kinds and values of the valuables or cash in advance. In this case, if they have not provided such information to the reception desk in advance, however, the Hotel will compensate them for the loss or damage up to 50,000 yen.

(2) If any valuables or cash brought in by a guest without being left at the reception desk is lost or damaged due to the Hotel’s willful misconduct or negligence, the Hotel will compensate them for the loss or damage. In this case, if they have not informed the Hotel of the kinds and values of the valuables or cash in advance, however, the Hotel will compensate them for the loss or damage up to 50,000 yen.

(3) Guests cannot leave the following items at the reception desk:

1) items and money worth more than 500,000 yen;

2) devices with an information recording system (such as personal computers and mobile phones);

3) items related to personal information (such as customer lists);

4) artworks and antiques;

5) refrigerated and frozen goods; and

6) other items that the Hotel may consider are difficult to handle.

6. Storage of guests’ baggage and personal belongings

(1) When a guest’s baggage arrives by home delivery service, the Hotel will keep it at the reception desk if the reservation is confirmed. The Hotel will hand it over to the guest when they check in at the reception desk (the Hotel will not keep any baggage sent freight collect). After check-out, the Hotel will, as a general rule, keep only baggage and personal belongings that the guest will pick up later on the same day.

In either case, the Hotel will not keep any valuables, fragile items, refrigerated items, frozen items, commercial materials, or other similar items.

Each guest can leave only one piece of baggage with total dimensions of 1,500 mm or less.

(2) If a guest’s baggage or personal belongings are found to be left behind after their check-out, the Hotel will keep the baggage or personal belongings for seven days including the day when the baggage or personal belongings are found; after this period, the Hotel will report valuables to the nearest police station and dispose of other items on its own. However, the Hotel will dispose of food, drink, and unsanitary items on the day of check-out.

If the owner does not give instructions about their baggage or personal belongings or is unknown, the Hotel will keep the baggage or personal belongings for seven days including the day when the baggage or personal belongings are found and report the baggage or personal belongings to the nearest police station after this period.

(3) The Hotel’s responsibility for the storage of a guest’s baggage and personal belongings in the case referred to in item (1) and the case referred to in item (2) is subject to Article 11, paragraph 5, item (1) and Article 11, paragraph 5, item (2), respectively.

7. If there is a message, memo, or facsimile received by a clerk for a guest, the lamp of the telephone in their room will turn on, and the guest is expected to contact the reception desk. If the guest cannot receive or is late receiving the information or face other similar problems by failing to notice the lighting, the Hotel is not responsible for the consequences.

1. The Hotel is responsible for a guest’s stays from their registration at the reception desk until their vacation of their room for departure.

2. If the Hotel cannot provide a room to a guest for reasons on its part, the Hotel will arrange for another accommodation facility with the same or similar conditions unless it is difficult to do so due to natural disasters or other similar causes.

3. As an exception to the preceding paragraph, the Hotel is not responsible for its failure to provide a room to a guest due to reasons not attributable to the Hotel or force majeure events.

4. The Hotel is not responsible for any accidents that may result from a guest’s failure to observe the House Rules shown on its premises.

5. Guests are advised to carry around or leave at the reception desk their valuables and cash. Please note that the Hotel is not responsible for any loss or theft of their valuables and cash in their rooms.

(1) If any valuables or cash left by a guest at the reception desk is lost or damaged due to causes other than force majeure events, the Hotel will compensate them for the loss or damage as long as they have informed the reception desk of the kinds and values of the valuables or cash in advance. In this case, if they have not provided such information to the reception desk in advance, however, the Hotel will compensate them for the loss or damage up to 50,000 yen.

(2) If any valuables or cash brought in by a guest without being left at the reception desk is lost or damaged due to the Hotel’s willful misconduct or negligence, the Hotel will compensate them for the loss or damage. In this case, if they have not informed the Hotel of the kinds and values of the valuables or cash in advance, however, the Hotel will compensate them for the loss or damage up to 50,000 yen.

(3) Guests cannot leave the following items at the reception desk:

1) items and money worth more than 500,000 yen;

2) devices with an information recording system (such as personal computers and mobile phones);

3) items related to personal information (such as customer lists);

4) artworks and antiques;

5) refrigerated and frozen goods; and

6) other items that the Hotel may consider are difficult to handle.

6. Storage of guests’ baggage and personal belongings

(1) When a guest’s baggage arrives by home delivery service, the Hotel will keep it at the reception desk if the reservation is confirmed. The Hotel will hand it over to the guest when they check in at the reception desk (the Hotel will not keep any baggage sent freight collect). After check-out, the Hotel will, as a general rule, keep only baggage and personal belongings that the guest will pick up later on the same day.

In either case, the Hotel will not keep any valuables, fragile items, refrigerated items, frozen items, commercial materials, or other similar items.

Each guest can leave only one piece of baggage with total dimensions of 1,500 mm or less.

(2) If a guest’s baggage or personal belongings are found to be left behind after their check-out, the Hotel will keep the baggage or personal belongings for seven days including the day when the baggage or personal belongings are found; after this period, the Hotel will report valuables to the nearest police station and dispose of other items on its own. However, the Hotel will dispose of food, drink, and unsanitary items on the day of check-out.

If the owner does not give instructions about their baggage or personal belongings or is unknown, the Hotel will keep the baggage or personal belongings for seven days including the day when the baggage or personal belongings are found and report the baggage or personal belongings to the nearest police station after this period.

(3) The Hotel’s responsibility for the storage of a guest’s baggage and personal belongings in the case referred to in item (1) and the case referred to in item (2) is subject to Article 11, paragraph 5, item (1) and Article 11, paragraph 5, item (2), respectively.

7. If there is a message, memo, or facsimile received by a clerk for a guest, the lamp of the telephone in their room will turn on, and the guest is expected to contact the reception desk. If the guest cannot receive or is late receiving the information or face other similar problems by failing to notice the lighting, the Hotel is not responsible for the consequences.

Article 12 Revision to These General Terms and Conditions
Article 12 Revision to These General Terms and Conditions

The Hotel may revise these General Terms and Conditions in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.

In this case, the Hotel will make public the revisions and the effective date online, by posting them on its premises, or by other reasonable means, and the revisions will become effective after the reasonable period specified at the time of publication. However, the Hotel may immediately apply minor revisions that serve guests’ interests by making them public.

The Hotel may revise these General Terms and Conditions in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.

In this case, the Hotel will make public the revisions and the effective date online, by posting them on its premises, or by other reasonable means, and the revisions will become effective after the reasonable period specified at the time of publication. However, the Hotel may immediately apply minor revisions that serve guests’ interests by making them public.

Article 13 Dispute
Article 13 Dispute

All disputes over accommodation contracts and their related contracts concluded between the Hotel and guests as well as these General Terms and Conditions will be brought before the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court as the exclusive competent court.

All disputes over accommodation contracts and their related contracts concluded between the Hotel and guests as well as these General Terms and Conditions will be brought before the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court as the exclusive competent court.

Cancellation Fee Policy
Cancellation Fee Policy

A guest who cancels their reservation on the scheduled day of arrival will be charged 100 percent of the room charge for the first day of their stay.

The same policy applies to guests who fail to check in without cancellation notice.

A guest who cancels their reservation on the day before the scheduled day of arrival will be charged 80 percent of the room charge for the first day of their stay.

A guest who cancels their reservation on the scheduled day of arrival will be charged 100 percent of the room charge for the first day of their stay.

The same policy applies to guests who fail to check in without cancellation notice.

A guest who cancels their reservation on the day before the scheduled day of arrival will be charged 80 percent of the room charge for the first day of their stay.