Privacy Policy (for Customers Residing in the EEA or the UK)

This Privacy Policy applies to customers residing in the EEA or the UK. For the processing of personal data of customers not residing in the EEA or the UK, please see our Privacy Policy (for All Customers).

1. Our Basic Principles
Oi Development Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) will lawfully and properly manage and use the personal data (“personal data”) of customers residing in the EEA or the UK that customers provide when staying at Ours Inn Hankyu (the “Hotel”) in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the same as retained in UK law and related guidelines, and will endeavor to protect the privacy of the customers.

2. Collection of Personal Data
The Company collects personal data via the following methods, in connection with transactions relating to hotel facilities and products (accommodations, food and drink, conference rooms, banquets, sale of goods, provision of other incidental products and services, etc.) and transactions with our partner companies, etc.:
(1) Directly from a customer
Via phone, writings (including electromagnetic records), business cards, verbal means, the Internet, etc.
(2) From a party duly authorized by a customer
Applicants for use, intermediaries, travel agencies, partners, companies, and others, providing package products, etc.
(3) Through published materials
Via the Internet, newspapers, telephone directories, books, and other publications

3. Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data
The Company processes customers’ personal data on any of the following legal bases:
(1) The customer has given consent to the processing (“customer’s consent”)
This includes situations in which, as part of services for its guests, the Company responds to an inquiry from a third party, who specifies the customer’s name, as to whether the customer is staying at the Hotel or is in a room, or the duration of a customer’s stay, or similar inquiries, or in situations in which the Company is asked by a third party to give a message, package, or other item to a customer.
(2) The processing is necessary for entering into and the performance of a contract to which the customer is a party (“performance of contract”)
This includes the provision of accommodation services. If a customer does not disclose necessary personal data, the Company may not be able to provide the customer with accommodation services, entirely or in part.
(3) The processing is necessary for the Company to comply with a legal obligation (“legal obligation”)
(4) The processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the customer or a third party (“protection of vital interests”)
This includes the occurrence of an unavoidable situation that requires urgent action.
(5) The processing is necessary for public interest (“public interest”)
(6) The processing of personal data is necessary for purposes of the legitimate interests of the Company or a third party, and those interests are not overridden by the customer’s rights (“legitimate interests”)
This includes the processing of personal data that is necessary for the Company to conduct its business or provide its services, and situations in which the Company needs to allow a service provider with whom it has entered into a non-disclosure agreement to access personal data, or to disclose personal data to that service provider, for the purposes listed in Section 4.
(7) Other instances in which the processing is based on laws and regulations
4. Purposes of Use of Personal Data and Legal Bases
The Company uses personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal bases:
The customer may withdraw his/her consent any time and the withdrawal of his/her consent will not affect lawfulness of processing based on consent before the withdrawal.
Privacy Policy (for Customers Residing in the EEA or the UK)

This Privacy Policy applies to customers residing in the EEA or the UK. For the processing of personal data of customers not residing in the EEA or the UK, please see our Privacy Policy (for All Customers).

1. Our Basic Principles
Oi Development Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) will lawfully and properly manage and use the personal data (“personal data”) of customers residing in the EEA or the UK that customers provide when staying at Ours Inn Hankyu (the “Hotel”) in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the same as retained in UK law and related guidelines, and will endeavor to protect the privacy of the customers.

2. Collection of Personal Data
The Company collects personal data via the following methods, in connection with transactions relating to hotel facilities and products (accommodations, food and drink, conference rooms, banquets, sale of goods, provision of other incidental products and services, etc.) and transactions with our partner companies, etc.:
(1) Directly from a customer
Via phone, writings (including electromagnetic records), business cards, verbal means, the Internet, etc.
(2) From a party duly authorized by a customer
Applicants for use, intermediaries, travel agencies, partners, companies, and others, providing package products, etc.
(3) Through published materials
Via the Internet, newspapers, telephone directories, books, and other publications

3. Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data
The Company processes customers’ personal data on any of the following legal bases:
(1) The customer has given consent to the processing (“customer’s consent”)
This includes situations in which, as part of services for its guests, the Company responds to an inquiry from a third party, who specifies the customer’s name, as to whether the customer is staying at the Hotel or is in a room, or the duration of a customer’s stay, or similar inquiries, or in situations in which the Company is asked by a third party to give a message, package, or other item to a customer.
(2) The processing is necessary for entering into and the performance of a contract to which the customer is a party (“performance of contract”)
This includes the provision of accommodation services. If a customer does not disclose necessary personal data, the Company may not be able to provide the customer with accommodation services, entirely or in part.
(3) The processing is necessary for the Company to comply with a legal obligation (“legal obligation”)
(4) The processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the customer or a third party (“protection of vital interests”)
This includes the occurrence of an unavoidable situation that requires urgent action.
(5) The processing is necessary for public interest (“public interest”)
(6) The processing of personal data is necessary for purposes of the legitimate interests of the Company or a third party, and those interests are not overridden by the customer’s rights (“legitimate interests”)
This includes the processing of personal data that is necessary for the Company to conduct its business or provide its services, and situations in which the Company needs to allow a service provider with whom it has entered into a non-disclosure agreement to access personal data, or to disclose personal data to that service provider, for the purposes listed in Section 4.
(7) Other instances in which the processing is based on laws and regulations
4. Purposes of Use of Personal Data and Legal Bases
The Company uses personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal bases:
The customer may withdraw his/her consent any time and the withdrawal of his/her consent will not affect lawfulness of processing based on consent before the withdrawal.
5. Security Measures
The Company has taken necessary and appropriate security management measures to prevent any leakage, loss, damage, unauthorized access, or other unauthorized use of personal data.
In addition, the Company has security measures in place on all of the websites it manages, to prevent any interception, alteration, or other unauthorized access to customers’ personal data.

6. Retention Period of Personal Data
The Company will set the minimum retention period necessary for the personal data it collects, in light of the processing purposes of the data, and will retain the data only for that period. Any personal data that no longer needs to be retained will be destroyed promptly.

7. Outsourcing the Processing of Personal Data
If the Company outsources work relating to the processing of personal data to a third party, the Company will provide the third-party service provider with necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the third-party service provider will also manage personal data securely. Each third party is located in Japan, which is decided as a country that has adequate level of protection of personal data by European Commission.

8. Updating Personal Data
If there are any changes to your registered information, please contact the Company promptly. The Company will make changes to, rectify, or erase your information at your request. If you wish to access, rectify or erase your personal data, exercise your right to data portability, object to the processing, restrict the processing, withdraw your consent, or to make other requests, please contact the inquiry desk specified below.

9. Lodging Complaints with Supervisory Authority
A customer has the right to lodge a complaint regarding the processing of personal data with the data protection authority having jurisdiction over the customer’s place of residence.

10. Processing Children’s Personal Data
Personal data of a customer under the age of 16 will be processed with the consent of the customer’s guardian.

11. Amendment of the Contents of This Privacy Policy
Notice of any amendments to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this website.

12. Inquiry Desk
Ours Inn Hankyu, TEL: 03-3775-6121
Business hours: 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
5. Security Measures
The Company has taken necessary and appropriate security management measures to prevent any leakage, loss, damage, unauthorized access, or other unauthorized use of personal data.
In addition, the Company has security measures in place on all of the websites it manages, to prevent any interception, alteration, or other unauthorized access to customers’ personal data.

6. Retention Period of Personal Data
The Company will set the minimum retention period necessary for the personal data it collects, in light of the processing purposes of the data, and will retain the data only for that period. Any personal data that no longer needs to be retained will be destroyed promptly.

7. Outsourcing the Processing of Personal Data
If the Company outsources work relating to the processing of personal data to a third party, the Company will provide the third-party service provider with necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that the third-party service provider will also manage personal data securely. Each third party is located in Japan, which is decided as a country that has adequate level of protection of personal data by European Commission.

8. Updating Personal Data
If there are any changes to your registered information, please contact the Company promptly. The Company will make changes to, rectify, or erase your information at your request. If you wish to access, rectify or erase your personal data, exercise your right to data portability, object to the processing, restrict the processing, withdraw your consent, or to make other requests, please contact the inquiry desk specified below.

9. Lodging Complaints with Supervisory Authority
A customer has the right to lodge a complaint regarding the processing of personal data with the data protection authority having jurisdiction over the customer’s place of residence.

10. Processing Children’s Personal Data
Personal data of a customer under the age of 16 will be processed with the consent of the customer’s guardian.

11. Amendment of the Contents of This Privacy Policy
Notice of any amendments to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this website.

12. Inquiry Desk
Ours Inn Hankyu, TEL: 03-3775-6121
Business hours: 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
